A Guide For Breast Self-Examination

A woman’s breast shows change throughout her life. Factors responsible for these changes are age, hormonal changes with monthly menstrual cycle, pregnancy,
breast feeding, birth control pills, or blow to the breast.

Why to do the Breast Self-Exam?

In India we have observed that there are many women who come for a checkup only when the breast lump becomes large, involves the skin, or starts bleeding.
Women tend to hide the problem for a longer period of time till it is late for any cure. 

Because most lumps are found by women themselves, you should learn how to

examine your breasts and do so regularly. 

By doing a simple meticulous breast self-examination, these lumps and other signs can be identified at an early stage were a doctor can offer some sort of a cure to such patient. 

When breast cancer is found and treated early, a women has different choices for treatment and a good chance of complete recovery, so early detection is very important.


Who should do the breast self examination?

All women aged 20 and above. It should continue throughout the life.

When to do the Breast Self-Exam?

⁠Do breast examination once in a month.

If you still menstruate, the best time to do Breast Self-Examination is 7 days after your period ends. It is common for your breasts to be swollen and tender right before or during your menstrual period. 

If you no longer menstruate, pick a certain day-such as the first day of each month for this purpose.

If you are taking hormones – after withdrawal bleeding.

Breast self examination is just to understand how your breasts normally look and feel. This will help you understand if any abnormal changes occur in your breast which you should report to your doctor immediately.

Stand in front of a mirror and observe your breasts. Check for any of the above mentioned symptoms. Check your armpit for any lumps or pain. Gently squeeze your nipples and look for discharge.

The breasts are best examined while lying down because it spreads the breast tissue evenly over the chest. While lying down, keep one arm over your head & a pillow or a folded towel under your shoulder and then check your breasts.