Digital Mammography

A Mammogram is an Xray picture of a breast that con find breast cancer easily before a woman can feel the lump herself.

When breast cancer is detected during its early stage, chances for successful treatment are much higher than usual scenarios.

Mammogram is reported by a Special Breast Radiologist.

How are screening and diagnostic mammograms different?

Screening Mammogram:

Used to detect breast cancer in women who have no signs/symptoms of breast cancer.
The goal is to detect breast cancer at its earliest stage before it goes into advanced stage.

Diagnostic Mammogram:

It is done when patients present with breast lump, breast pain, unusual skin appearance, nipple thickening, nipple retraction, or nipple discharge.

When Should I Get My Mammogram Done?

According to “American Cancer Society” of Breast Imaging, Women above the age of 40 should have a screening mammogram done every year as they are in good health. Those who are at red risk due to their family history or other factors should talk to Breast Radiologist doctor about screening at the earliest.

What do you need to know before your mammogram?

Do not use deodorant, perfume, talcum powder or lotion before your appointment as using these products before test may alter the findings/results.


Come with your previous mammogram film or CD with reports provided to you during your last visit. This is needed for comparison with your previous mammogram.
Describe any breast symptoms to your technologist or your Breast Radiologist performing the exam.


If you have breast implants, you must inform the scheduler as your exam will involve few more views to be taken with implants in different positions.

What will I experience during and after mammography?

Dedicated Breast Imaging Technologist (Female technicians) are available who will place the patient in front of the machine and position each breast, one at a time on mammography equipment.

The breast is gently compressed between two plates so that the tissue is flattened.


You will feel some pressure on your breasts as it is squeezed. Some women with sensitive breasts may experience discomfort.

In this case, tell your technologist and schedule your mammogram when your breasts are less tender.

Remember =Best Compression=
Better Quality Mammogram


The whole process of mammography may take 10-15 minutes.

Abnormal Mammogram?

Do not panic as an abnormal mammogram does not always mean that there is cancer.
You will need to have additional tests-like a sonogram or an MRI breast or procedures like biopsy.

You should not have your screening mammogram if

  • You are pregnant
  • You are breastfeeding.
  • It has been less than 12 months since your last mammogram.
  • You are younger thon 35 years of age

Mammogram & Radiation

The dose of radiation in a digital mammography is too low and for most women the benefits of regular mammograms outweigh the risks posed by this amount of radiation.

Are mammogram always accurate?

Not Always-The accuracy of mammogram depends on how accurate the positioning of breast, how accurately has the compression been given, and most importantly the experience and skill of a Radiologist.
Other parameters like age and breast density may result in false positive/negative mammogram.
A mammogram can miss 1 in 5 cancers in women.